Leeshabsha's Spot in the World
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Welcome To My Page

You must be either
pretty lucky or pretty
lost to have found your
way here!

Hi! My name is Leesha, well I actually have a multiude of names but that is what everyone calls me.
I DID IT!! That's right, someone somewhere felt that I had put in enough time, and my parents' money to give me a piece of paper saying I was smart!
Look out world here comes the Class of 2002!!

Site Updates

01/12/02   created my page! Go me!

01/12/02   Lou got the LOUmina today. Emphasis on the Lou.

01/14/02    Welcome back to Fisher!

01/21/02    Ryan, Rob and Kevin were named Who's Who Among College and University Students.

01/22/02   Fisher vs. Naz Basketball Game! Cause friends don't let friends go to NAZ

01/25/02   Lou's Tag Team Match!! Wish I could go!

02/01/02   100 Days til Graduation!

02/15/02   TEDDI 2002! I hope you dance!

03/01/02   Spring Break!!

04/26/02   The LAST day of classes, and Open Mic Night (Meg is preforming with Joe's band and then she and I are doing one)

05/06/02   SENIOR Week begins!!!

5/11/02    GRADUATION!!! ("I'm history, I'm mythology, I'm _out_ of here!!")
Me and Sammy Fofo!
This was taken at Gettysburg, PA last year.

More to come...
Check the "About Page"

Email me!