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For the non-Fisher visitors
I managed to forget some I don't know. But in the realm of people in my life there are so many more...

The Crap...I mean Gap : )
I have been bustin' my butt at store 3203 for three years now. Yeah that's right three...I've met so many people working there. Some of the important people have gone...but there are some that still remain. My "lil" sis, Kristi works there now with me...but you'll here more about her later. Working closing there has created many interesting events. Such as "Crazy hat night" when we straighten the store wearing one of the odd/ugly hats that we have on display. If you have seen my purple winter hat you know that I love crazy hat night! We can also be found reciting movie quotes, and trying to stump each other with some...It has been an interesting time, but one day I will have to find a grown up job.
  The Softball Team I could neglect my team is beyond me! I have been playing with them for ummmmm 10th, 11th, 12th...more years than I can remember. Okay so it has been almost 7 years.

Welcome to the 93rd!
The 93rd, is a group that travels twice a year! We are an interesting bunch made up of students and "veterans". For 2 1/2 years I was a student veteran, we are a rare breed. But in a few weeks I will be a good 'ole veteran. The last trip we took was to DC. Oh it was amazing, I have pictures! And once I get the friggin' scanner to work again I will put some of the pictures up.

The one who got me started on Civil War would be "Col." Shay. But I have to thank McDougnh for introducing me to him. (Thanks Tom!!) It has been a wonderful journey, I can't wait for the next one, Fredricksburg the weekend of Oct. 10th...BE THERE!!

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Teddi !!
The group that I take so much pride in being a part of.... Teddi, Dance For Love!

Dance For Love

Me (in the shades), Diana, and Meg (in the braids). Together we spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E!

I'm in desperate need of pictures!