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My family.... ( In the picture borrowed from Joe's page are some of the people listed below)
Now when I say Family I actually mean my circle of friends because they are as close as family to me...though I don't often tell them that. So let me introduce them...

The first set, well I think of them like the brothers that thankfully I never had until college. I'm going to go by age, or what I consider age.

Rob-One of the older of our little family. He is the one who I rip on the most which actually means he is one of the ones I care about the most. I have known his amost the longest. He is a goof, but sweet in a silly Virginian way.

Ryan-The next in line, but the one I have known the longest. We haven't always been the nicest to each other. But I don't think things would be the same with out him. He is the most likely to run away from "home", he basically is the one who just wants to get away. Can't say that I blame him though. One day when he has his big premire, I'll say I remember when.

TJ-Another goof, but well intentioned. Very smart like the others. I see a career in random things for him. But then again he is "Random Boy". He just needs to beware of those Clee Trimers.

Joe-One of the younger brothers in the sense that I haven't known him as long. Great musician and song writer. Look out world, he'll get you with songs like "We suck!"

Kevin-While actual age places him with Rob, Ryan, and TJ I haven't known him as long. Smart, very active, and a bit nuts but aren't we all.

Adam-The one who will save us all. He still isn't sure how or when but he is trying. I've known him for a while, he's smart and caring but overwhelms himself a bit.

Joe B.- He is the critical brother. If we were Muppet characters, he would be the grumpy men in the balcony.

Jim and Juan- Computer generated twins. Okay maybe not. Jim is our Frotto, it's the hair. Juan is the gentleman of the group. Kristine got him before the rest of us could.

Mike- He's the new addition to the family. I think he belongs to the milk man because he is nothing like the rest of us.

Bob and Lou- There are no words for this tag team. Lou however is going to break into the WWF if it kills him. Hopefully not. Bob will be a Yankees fan for life, and will travel to Civil War fields until he figures out that he is doing with himself.

Jason- Ummmmm.....yeah...what to say about Jay?

Okay I think that covers the male side, if I forgot anyone sorry. Now for the ladies

Meg- My late twin. We do look a bit alike. It is scary for Rob because they are together. She is a workaholic but I still love her.

Rachel-The intellectual superior to many. She as well as myself as to figure out what to do with that history filled brain.

Mary Jo, Julie, Mandy and Kristine- The quadruplets. Where one is you will most likely find the others. But don't think they are all the same, because each is an amazing individual.

Diana- Don't call her Di, she has become the lastest and greatest of the group. It took some getting used to, and warming up but now it seems as if there hasn't been a day that she wasn't with us.

We have many members of the family. And when we are all together, we have what TJ calls "Friggin Family Feasts" and good times are had by all. I love you guys!

How do I fit in to the whole thing?
I have actually been trying to figure that one out for quite a while. I guess it is all in the "history". That would be the fact that at least six of the people on that list are history majors. The same number of us are seniors...scary thought. So it has just been a slow gathering of people until we came up with this large insane group. The truly sad thing is that where you find one of us, another isn't too far behind. I have had some great memories with them. And I know we still have many more to create. I must thank Jay because if it hadn't been for him and Kapa Delta Jason, I might have missed out on some of best friends I have found here.

Where do you fit in???
I don't know. But you must, if we do you do.

Want to know more about all of us.....
Diana's Page

Joes's Page

If you have anything to add about the above people feel free....cause you know the saying, "If you haven't got anything nice to say, come sit next to me!"